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a gtk-frontend for scmxx. with gscmxx you can access your siemens mobile phone. it supports phonebook, addressbook, SMS, bitmaps. more features to come....
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Features & Screenshots
updated 19.08.2002 17:09:28 by

here you can see screenshots of all the implemented features (as of Aug 19th).

Splash Screen
On the left side you can see the navigation. From there you can reach all the important features of gscmxx.
These are "PhoneBook", "SMS Listings", "AddressBook", "Bitmaps", "Midi Files" (alpha) and the "Preferences".
On startup gscmxx tries to detect your phone (as seen at the bottom of the screen). If the phone can't be detected or is not available you will find a warning there to adjust your settings.

Phone Book
You can edit all phonebook entries directly in this list. Or you may delete entries or add new entries. These changes are made locally only, to reflect the changes on your phone you have to "Save Phonebook".
You can also save the Phonebook as a file. (format: ##,"number","name") to import it into other apps.
A search function (by name) is available too and you can save the results as file.
From this list you can also access the "Send SMS" function directly.

SMS Listings
You can access all the short messages, which are saved onto your SIM card. You will get two lists: "Sent SMS" and "Received SMS". (Actually there are 4 lists now: 'Read', 'Unread', 'Sent', 'Unsent')
In the lists you can see the number and the name of the receiver or sender (if the name is available in your phonebook and the phonebook has been downloaded from the phone already) and the message text.
In the list of received SMS there is also the date and time available.
And you can easily delete short messages from your SIM card.

Send SMS
You can send SMS directly from gscmxx. The send-feature is available directly from the PhoneBook or the AddressBook or from the Tools-Menu. You may also send a Flash-SMS (displayed direct on the screen of the receiver ,if the phone supports this feature)

Address Book
If your phone has a Address Book you are able to access the entries via gscmxx. Know phones which should work are: ME45, S45(i), SL42(LAG), SL45(i). You can see the full name, home- and mobile number directly at the list. If a mobile number is available you may also send SMS to this number directly. Further you can view and edit the entry (see next screen) or delete it.

View / edit address book entry
Here you can see the "View/Edit" - Screen for the address-book. You can edit all the values shown and save the address at your phone. Addresses are save in vcard-format at the phone.
You can also save the address as a vcard-file to import it into other apps.

Listing of Bitmaps
You can view the bitmaps from your phone. To use this feature you need the 'netpbm-progs' (at least 'bmptoppm' and 'ppmtoxpm') to convert the bitmaps to xpm-format which is needed to display the bitmaps.
Update: Now you can also save the displayed bitmap at your harddisk.
TODO: upload and delete bitmaps.

Midi Files
Sorry, but access to midi files is not available yet. I'm working on this feature.

At this screen you can set the preferences.
if the scmxx binary is in your path, gscmxx will find it. gscmxx tries also to detect the possible devices. it works with 'normal' serial port and usb-to-serial converter (you may have to load the module 'usbserial' as root). aumotatically detection of ircomm devices is not implementet yet, because i don't hav a irda device. so you will get a listing of all /dev/ircomm* devices.
The baudrate must equal the following setting in the ME45/S45: Menu -> Setup -> Connectivity -> Baud Rate
Update: You can now alos set Timeouts for getting of Phoebook and Addressbook (not shown here)